Sunday 27 January 2013

In Treatment

Jesus, this is revolting, what kind of stupid Edwardian logic is this Poppins lady advocating?  The only thing that's going to keep this radiotherapy down is a big fat bale of weed.  

Saturday 5 January 2013

Party At Nan's

You're throwing off my timing and by the looks your relatives are throwing our way we've hit a new level of disdain.  It's left leg in, right leg out.  I can't simplify it anymore.  

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Not Again

If you wanted a warm place to rest your genitals I'd have knocked you up a hot water bottle.  Is this really how you want to ring in the new year?  I mean look at them.  Snoring away precious eating time while the remnants of last nights nibbles clog up their nostrils.  I'm going for a walk and I expect the house to be quieter when I return.